UN re-structure

A proposed amendment to the structure of the United Nations, for the parallel universe U470, by the Dictator Of Australia “Andrew the Bearded”:

Membership of the “Security Council” shall be both automatic and compulsory upon the holding or testing of a nuclear weapon.  And members remain while any such devices are held.

There shall be “truth in labelling”. The UN Security Council shall henceforth be known as the “Insecurity Council”.

The Right of Veto will be assigned randomly at the point of decision making.  Members have equal chance of this power, irrespective of arsenal size, composition, posture or alliance.

Decisions of the Insecurity Council must be acknowledged by UN member states, but are otherwise not binding. The role of the Insecurity council is to think out of insecurity.  Meetings will be directed using the six thinking hats proposed by Edward de Bono.

DPRK – EOI 1.0

A Korean Cosmonaut stands on the Moon.

The emblem on her sleeves are the flag of DPRK, and the language in which she addresses the watching world, Esperanto.  The flag she has just planted in the Lunar soil is that of the United Nations.  The international effort to make this happen opens a new Chapter in the Civilisation of Man.

How did we get here?

Australia U470 opened high level dialogue with North Korea.

In an endeavour to forge stronger relationships, both nations agreed to add the language Esperanto to the learning curriculum for their respective primary schools.

Not to be left behind, the great Computer Powers of Apple, Google, and Microsoft, agreed to make their systems bi-lingual with a common second language of Esperanto Thus allowing DPRK to save face and avoid English while making their own systems compatible with the Northern world.

The years spent developing atomic weapons proved to be useful in another way. DPRK developed expertise in De-commissioning Weapons of Mass Destruction (nuclear).  Cooperation with a Consortium of Australian companies, resulted in the production of many species of micro-reactors, re-processing  their own waste. Movement of materials was minimised, with only knowledge centred in South Australia, and no centralised nuclear waste facility.

A market for the light weight heat sources, resulting from re-processing of nuclear materials, was found in Australian manufactured hybrid airships. Powered by a hull covered in thin film solar cells, with lift provided by hot air and hot Hydrogen – which also doubles as a battery, this opens a new era in transport across land and sea.

DPRK Rocket technology was married to Australian scramjet technology, and brought by airship to launch at altitude on the Equator.

The “Love Our Enemies” project in Newcastle NSW was replicated around the world, to sustainably end the War On Terror, with human resource increase solutions.  Airships thrived in absence of terrorist threat.  With DPRK clearly taking the lead with disarmament, other nations followed, and the World began to breathe easier.  Once more, a Vision of Future Achievements was possible.  Space.

Dream of the Dictator / Expression Of Interest 1.0

USA immigration

Andrew the Bearded, Dictator of Australia 470, issued an Executive Order:

All American refugees, displaced by USA President Donald Trump, are welcome in Australia.

Temporary protection visas will be issued.

Such will allow holders to work in Australia 470.

The art of telecommuting will be encouraged.

A pathway to Permanent Residence will be developed.

It is to be acknowledged, as a condition of entry, that we do NOT have the right to bear arms.

We are a peaceful multicultural nation.

Refugees are encouraged to earn Letters of Reference, to aid processing for their return Home.

Furthermore, Australia makes available low interest loans for the airfare to Australia, for use on Australian airlines only.

Andrew the Bearded added the comment,

Friends share advice fearlessly. Yes, silence can sometimes be interpreted as approval. But authority should be treated with curiosity. There are so many things happening in the World that not everything receives equal comment. It is a task of the leader to indicate alternatives, especially where they privately disagree with friends.

END of transmission.

Interview – 20161231

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Andrew the Bearded, who many shall know as the blind Dictator of Australia, who took control of Australia U470 at the election on second of July 2016. An unexpected consequence has been the discovery of confirmation of the multiple Universes theory from Physics – that U470 is separate to a universe where Malcolm Turnbull was returned as Prime Minister.  The Web that we know appears to bridge the multi-verse!

Andrew the Bearded: G’day. Glad to be here

Interviewer: Andrew the Bearded, what is your meaning of life?

Andrew the Bearded:  to serve God; to increase the wealth of my community; to increase the love;

Interviewer: is that why you took control of Australia?

AtB: I saw a shadow of mean spirit fall over this great land. We were in grave danger of losing our ideal of a “fair go”; and reputation internationally as honest brokers.

I believe that making friends is a good habit for eternity. Hence my “coupe” was bloodless, and consistent with “How to win friends and influence people”.

I: And you received little in the way of resistance…?

AtB: yes and for that I am grateful to the people of Australia. I and grateful that they had me as a leader for the six months we have worked together and will continue to work together to increase the love

I:  Is that why you say that you came to power in a bloodless “coupe” rather than a “coup”?

AtB: Yes, a play on words, and a much more representative image.

I: And where did the name “U470” come from? When it became obvious that the your personal history did not match that portrayed on the available  internet.

AtB: It had nothing to do with Uranium, I can assure you. It actually came about through an assessment of my available sight. The last it was assessed at was 4:70 in both eyes. That is, what a fully sighted person can make out at 70 metres, I had to be 4 metres away to see the same level of detail.  My eyesight has gotten considerably worse since then.  I can no longer distinguish my brothers across a picnic table.  The number, however, stuck in my mind, and sounded apt for the occasion.  The name of other Universes, however, should be according to their own peculiarities.

They may think of us as a different dimension of care and support.

I: And what is your definition of wealth?

AtB: Wealth is the frequency of opportunity to trade.  It is not a quantity to have or have not. Like love, which is an action, it is greatest in collaboration with others.  A citizen with many skills has much opportunity. When this is supported by local currency systems, the frequency of opportunity increases still further.

My understanding of economies covers Gift Economy, barter, “bean counter” trade systems, and social capital, BitCoin and other anti-forgery currencies fit as “bean countered” currencies of the type that  require someone to issue them, reducing their effectiveness at self regulation.

One aim is to issue negative interest money to establish a solar powered airship manufacturing industry in Australia.

I: Tell me about your time of imperfect mental health. What did you learn from it?

AtB: I’ve had two major episodes of Schizophrenia, 2002 and 2005. During that time I believed  that I had given Al Qaeda the idea of flying into the USA Trade Towers. And, more importantly, that they were waiting on me for a “next step”. I’ve learnt from my suffering that I could choose my own next step. I observed that the War on Terror is being waged by both sides as if someone needs lose. That is in total denial of the ideal – Think Win/Win – as per the late Stephen R Covey (The 7 habits of Highly Effective People”). So, I can choose my next step, as offering a next step to Al Qaeda and to USA: imagine a future positive interaction event with us, here in my home town, with a celebration of how we grew to be friends.  I remain greedy, in this Love Our Enemies project, that I want the desired community development work to host the event to occur in my home town, so that I may enjoy this aspect when I retire.

The Schizophrenia also means that I can no longer trust the accuracy of (pre diagnosis) past memories, as these have been “re-interpreted”. I may, for instance, have written to the government of the time warning that “dangerous people” were coming by boat to seek asylum. Hence I hold no malice to those who acted to Stop the Boats. I only hope that I act fast enough in re-settling good people before the systemic delays cause them further mental stress. If I have not made this plain before, the Detention Centre and associated policies, close NOW!  The final immigration and foreign ownership policies details will be worked out in consultation with the First Nations of Australia and its territories.

I: You have been reported, on this blog, as desiring for the military to become involved in Earth Repair.  Could you give a concrete example where this is warranted?

AtB: Certainly. War releases CFCs, as old refrigerants become collateral damaged.  That means the Ozone Hole is not only back on agenda, but a serious future health liability for the Australian population.  Terrorist need only step back and outgas, and we cop it in skin cancer rates, years later.

The earlier these additional complications to our actions is identified, the sooner we can avoid the really nasty ones. We need the military to understand the planet they operate on and within.

I: and in the longer term?

AtB: We need to repair the Earth, go beyond emissions reduction to re-absorbing our pollutants, and planning our civilisation for sustainability. Sustainability will always be re-established, as the unsustainable is un- sustainable. It is time for us to decide if we wish to remain on this planet as pilots, or as passengers.

It is time that we return to space travel, and look outwards. We need a military fit for purpose – a long term stable Earth as foundation for our movement through the cosmos.

I: What’s up for 2017?

AtB: I’ll be writing my memoir in book format – with a full first draft by December. This should improve people’s understanding of where I am coming from in relation to my projects.  Shoring  up support for the Love Our Enemies project, with patrons and collaborators and firming up the Project Management aspects. And of course, on going dialogue with the people of Australia, to ensure we travel in harmony onwards and upwards!

I: Thank you for your time, sir.

AtB: You are very  welcome. Time is something that, once shared, can never be repaid. Thank you for investing in an understanding of my universe. God Bless.  Happy New Calendar Year.